Zinoviy Bryindzia, Andrii Kulyk



Purpose. The aim of the article is substantiation of expediency of strategic planning of activity of hotel and restaurant business and formation of model of strategic management that will allow to activate potential of subjects of managing and to provide their stable development in strategic perspective.

Methodology of research. The authors used empirical, statistical and questionnaire research methods to identify the factors influencing the activities of hotel and restaurant business. It allowed substantiating the stages of business planning and describing their implementation, the formation of an improved model of strategic management, development of proposals for baseline indicators. It is expedient to make decisions on the basis of indicators concerning directions and the purpose of development of business on rendering of services in this sphere.

Findings. The reasons for the imbalance of the hotel and restaurant business are analysed and the need for strategic planning and management in this area is substantiated. The stages of planning of hotel and restaurant business are defined taking into account current and strategic factors of its development that will allow to form balance between the realized services and their needs in the market.

A model of strategic management of the hotel and restaurant business has been developed, which is focused on the existing social and economic level achieved in this area, resource potential and assessment of the initial conditions and opportunities for development. The main problems of the hotel and restaurant business have been identified, taking into account which will allow to achieve a positive result in the long run and to form a sufficient level of competitiveness of business entities.

Originality. The organizational and methodological bases of formation of effective management of hotel and restaurant business which are based on theories of sustainable, competitive and innovative development that will allow to develop various scenarios of business development taking into account current and strategic factors are deepened.

Practical value. The obtained results form an important methodological basis for improving the mechanisms of strategic planning and management of hotel and restaurant business entities, as well as allow to form competitive and functional strategies for their development in the long run.

Key words: hotel and restaurant business, model of strategic management, stages of planning, business plan, current factors, strategic factors.


Key words: hotel and restaurant business, model of strategic management, stages of planning, business plan, current factors, strategic factors.

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