Purpose. The aim of the article is theoretical substantiation of the essence of investment attractiveness, analysis of trends and identification of opportunities for further development of agro-industrial enterprises.
Methodology of research. General and special methods are used during the research, in particular: monographic and systematic analysis – to substantiate the essence of investment attractiveness and to determine the possibilities of further development of agro-industrial enterprises; abstract and logical and graphic – in forming the conceptual bases for investing in the development of enterprises.
Findings. The essence of investing in the development of enterprises as a system of actions to attract real and potential internal and external investment resources, sources, levers and measures, taking into account the institutional and factor influence on the given course of investment processes in the short, medium and long term, is determined on the basis of generalization of scientific approaches which leads to qualitative, quantitative and structural changes in the production and economic activity of agro-industrial enterprises on an innovative basis, achieving a high result in the case of coordination and consolidation of efforts of business structures and bodies of state power and local self-government, solving problems and prioritizing investments by the nature of strategic orientation.
The necessity of providing investment development of enterprises is considered taking into account the influence of peculiarities of investing material, intangible and bioactive assets on an innovative basis, which determine the scientific theoretical and methodological approaches and applied aspects, strategic importance of the basic and life-supporting branch of the national economy.
The rating positions of the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the international studies of the economic development of the countries are revealed as rather weak and not the best. However, at the same time, it is revealed that Ukraine has significant investment and human potential, the effective use of which may be a prerequisite for gradual enhancement of the country's international competitiveness in world rankings. We believe that global international rankings should be seen as additional tools for making investment decision.
It is determined that at present the most pressing problem for foreign investors remains the protection of their rights and the ability (easiness) of doing business. Therefore, the efforts of the state should be directed to solving problems in the commercial sphere and forming a favourable business environment, increasing investment in the agricultural sector, stabilizing sources and optimizing capital structures, ensuring efficient distribution of investments in the formation of assets of agricultural producers by their size.
Originality. The definition of the essence of investing in the development of agro-industrial enterprises has been further developed; the scheme of conceptual bases for ensuring the investment attractiveness and opportunities for further development has been formed, taking into account the impact of the current global economic recession.
Practical value. The results of the study can be used to expand the base, diversify sources and increase the volume of investment with the introduction of the land market, in the process of creating and commercializing innovations and activation of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises, the main priorities of which should be the realization of internal production factors.
Key words: investments, innovations, development, enterprise, attractiveness, commercialization, efficiency.Keywords
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