Nataliia Sarai



Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for determining the content of business process and process approach in management of the enterprise, substantiation of classification features of grouping business processes and identifying indicators of evaluation of business processes of the enterprise and factors influencing their effectiveness.

Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the position of modern economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists to optimize the management of business processes at the enterprise. The following general scientific methods of research are used to achieve this goal: system-structural and terminological analysis – to streamline the conceptual and terminological apparatus regarding the economic content of the category "business process"; grouping, comparison and theoretical generalization – for the study of scientific works on the problems of business process management at the enterprise; inductions and deductions – to study the classification features of business process grouping and identify business process evaluation indicators at the enterprise; abstract and logical – for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions.

Findings. The necessity of applying the process approach to the organization and management of the enterprise is substantiated. The economic essence of the category "business process" is determined. It is established that a business process is a structured sequence of actions to perform an appropriate type of activity at all stages of the life cycle of the subject activity.

Characteristics of business processes: presence of internal and external users; functioning within and between divisions of the company and between different organizations; based on the way in which the organization works. The main characteristics of quality of business processes of the enterprise are determined, namely: effectiveness; efficiency; adaptability; anti-corruption.

Originality. There was further development of the definition of the content of the business process and process approach in management of the enterprise are generalized, the classification features of grouping of business processes are substantiated and the possibilities of application of indicators of estimation of business processes of enterprise and factors of influence on their efficiency in management of domestic enterprises are offered.

Practical value. Recommendations are proposed which define the conditions for ensuring optimization of business process management at the enterprise, in particular: application of the process approach to enterprise management; use of a scorecard to evaluate the business processes of an enterprise determining the impact of factors on their effectiveness.

Key words: process; business process; process approach; indicator; factor; enterprise management.


Key words: process; business process; process approach; indicator; factor; enterprise management.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2020.1-2.12


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