Purpose. The aim of the article is to identify the possibility of exploring the process of tripartite market interaction of the multiple food provision sphere stakeholders as a holistic unity through the formalization of dynamic change, describing their properties with taking into account the time factor in mind.
Methodology of research. The advantages of the triadic logic of conducting scientific research aimed at harmonizing the interaction of multiply stakeholders in the food provision sphere above the dyad are established using of the comparison method. The need to build a harmonious food market requires the synthesis of traditional techniques with new knowledge.
The use of synthesis, the essence of which is the imaginary unification of individual parts of the object of scientific research into a single whole, due also to the fact that the scope of food security is a coherent unity. Given the need to visualize the objects of scientific search, modelling has a special role in the process of scientific knowledge of the nature of economic phenomena and processes, as well as finding out the causes of appearance of the problematic moments, it is the modelling itself.
Findings. The complexity and multidimensionality of tripartite interaction of the food provision requires a rethinking of traditional approaches to building semi-structured, open systems. As a result of comparative analysis, the need to move from dialectic to conducting a study of harmonization of market interaction in the field of food provision sphere on the basis of trialectics is proved.
The continuation of the trialectic logic is the use of synthesis, which made it possible to realize that the interaction of the absolute opposite forms a triune space, which should be regarded as a harmoniously developing integrity. The use of simulation modelling made it possible to visualize the synthetic interaction of the stakeholders of the triad of subject and functional components of the food provision sphere.
Originality is to combine vector algebra with spatial geometry, which made it possible to visualize dynamic market interaction in the food provision sphere as in a systematic triad with taking into account the time factor in mind.
Practical value. The triple helix as an institutional matrix for the harmonization of the stakeholders' market interaction of the triad of subject and functional components of the domestic food provision sphere in the whole of production, consumer and regulatory aspects should ensure its synergistic stability in the context of globalization of food markets.
Key words: food provision sphere; marketing strategy; stakeholder; motion vector; systematic Triad; trilateral market interaction; balancing economic interests; harmonious food market; triune space; moral economy; triple helix model; synergy; disproportions; dyadic paradigm; trialectics.Keywords
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