Maryna Anatoliivna Mashchenko



Purpose. The aim of the article is the formation of the mechanism of ensuring the invariant safety of the enterprise.

Methodology of research. Methods of analysis and synthesis, graphical and analytical method of research are used in the article for systematization of indicators characterizing the sustainable development of the enterprise in accordance with the standard ISO 14001; an assessment of the invariant safety of enterprises is conducted.

Findings. It is substantiated that the formation of new social and economic relations in Ukraine, the reformation of the social and economic model requires an understanding of approaches and the development of the concept of national security, and within the framework of the general concept, the basic provisions of Ukraine’s invariant security. It is established that the estimation of the invariant safety of the activity of enterprises, as well as the ability of these enterprises to take measures to increase the level of invasive security becomes strategic for the sustainable development of Ukraine. It has been determined that conceptual approaches to the management of invasive security are the basis for creating an effective system for the adoption of managerial decisions regarding the development of the environmental management system of industrial enterprises, which should become an instrument for balancing the interests of the state, the potential investor, the owner of the industrial enterprise and society in general.

Originality. It is substantiated that one of the most important approaches for achievement of invariant safety of the enterprise is the developed mechanism of providing of invariant safety of the enterprise.

Practical value. One of the most important approaches to achieve invariant safety is defined in the article and developed by the author mechanism of ensuring the invariant safety of the enterprise.

Key words: invariant safety of the enterprise; social security; economic; social and ecological approach; state.


Key words: invariant safety of the enterprise; social security; economic; social and ecological approach; state.

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