Purpose. The aim of the article is the determination of the general methodology and methods of research of the state and strategy of development of rural territories.
Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical development of domestic and foreign scientists on the methodology of scientific research. General scientific and special methods are used in the process of research, namely: theoretical, historical and logical – in the study of the development of rural areas and the writing of programs for the promotion of rural areas.
Findings. The methodology and methods of studying the process of rehabilitation and development of rural areas of Ukraine are substantiated. It has been established that there are several research areas that can exist separately and can be combined. Using these approaches, the research will be comprehensive and comprehensive, which will help to fully investigate the problem of the restoration and development of rural areas of Ukraine, give a complete analysis of the situation in the modern Ukrainian village, characterize the advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative dynamics of rural development in Ukraine.
It is determined that it is important to show multidirectional approaches to the study of the tasks set in studies and to substantiate the ways of their solution. An integrated approach to the study of the problem is achieved on the basis of these approaches.
Originality. The priority methodology of research on the development of rural areas is defined, which includes the construction of an algorithm when writing a program for the restoration and development of rural areas.
Practical value. The proposed methodological recommendations can be used when writing projects and programs for the restoration and development of rural areas, taking into account the experience of foreign countries. Many ideas can be offered on the development and restoration of rural areas, drawing on the experience of foreign countries based on these programs.
Key words: strategy of development of rural territories of Ukraine; methodology of research.
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