Iryna Anatoliivna Korablinova



Purpose. The aim of this article is to identify and substantiate the existing problems of qualitative analysis of the risks of companies that have chosen the path of “digital transformation” and are in a constant updating of information.

Methodology of research. The initial research process is a focused and systematic study of the peculiarities of the activities of digital companies, ICT companies and traditional companies that use information and communication technologies. Observing the changes in the information space of modern companies, as well as studying the works of scientists and practitioners in the field of entrepreneurial risks, formed the methodological basis of this study.

The following general methods of investigation as a systematic approach, classification method, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, scientific generalization, etc. are also used to achieve the goal.

Findings. The report materials of the leading international organizations and corporations have been processed. It has been revealed that at the present stage of development of the global economy, digitalization is a prerequisite for economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of both individual organizations and countries of the world. It is established that the concept of “digital transformation” has received considerable attention from scientists and practitioners about the impressive possibilities of introducing digital technologies and switching to digital platforms. It is noted that companies that started this way encounter a number of problems.

It is determined that the activities of companies in the digital era are increasingly mediated by information and networking. This, in turn, causes a number of risks that have a significant impact on the performance of companies. It is recommended to consider the content, partner, complementary, interactive risks in the overall system of business risks.

Originality. The list of threats and the risks they are facing in the process of using information and information technologies are identified and substantiated. The composition of business risks has been supplemented by such subspecies as content, partner, complementary, interactive risks. Their relationship with other company risks, place in the system of classification of business risks, determination is given.

It is substantiated that further research may be related both to the improvement of the classification system of business risks through its expansion, and to the formation of a new classification system for information and network risks, the various types of which arise as the effect of the “digital transformation” in the world increases.

Practical value. The obtained results of the study will enhance the quality of the analysis of the risks of modern companies and may also serve as a basis for solving a number of key risk management issues (in particular, the quantification and its use in making managerial decisions, in particular on preventive measures, etc.).

Key words: digital transformation; information and network interaction; entrepreneurial risk; content risk; partner risk; complementary risk; interactive risk; company; ecologocal system.


Key words: digital transformation; information and network interaction; entrepreneurial risk; content risk; partner risk; complementary risk; interactive risk; company; ecologocal system.

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