Ruslan Ivanovych Buriak, Serhii Volodymyrovych Kuzmenko



Purpose. The purpose of the study is the development of the set of measures aimed at solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of food security in the country, as well as finding out the ways to improve the domestic supply of food products and expanding the presence of Ukrainian producers on the world market of agri-food products in the context of European integration.

Methodology of research. In the process of research, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization, economic and mathematical methods, tabular, graphic and diagram methods, methods of comparative analysis, sociological and statistical methods, observation methods, system approach, etc.

Findings. The current state of food security in Ukraine has been studied according to the main indicators of its definition. It was revealed, that the caloric intake of the diet last year exceeded the established critical (threshold) level for this indicator by 10% - 2,500 kcal per day. It was stated, that Ukraine has unbalanced consumption of food by the population. It was also detected, that the balance of consumption of basic food products shows that in 2016 in Ukraine, for food groups such as: "bread and bakery products", "potatoes" and "vegetables and melons", actual consumption exceeded the rational one. In other groups, the coefficient of consumption adequacy was lower than one. The significant lag is observed in products of animal origin and fruit and berry products. Thus, the recommended level for meat is provided by 64%, milk - by 55%, fish - by 48%, fruits and berries - by 55%.

The measures of the state policy concerning the increase of agrarian production effiency and food safety provision are offered. The modern challenges of ensuring food security of Ukraine were identified and the priority directions of its strengthening in the conditions of European integration were substantiated.

The necessity of ensuring the food security of the state, in particular, satisfying the need for the population of quality products of food, is determined by the diverse assortment, which envisages a qualitative use of the existing natural and resource potential of the domestic agrarian sector and increasing of its competitiveness. It was substantiated, that a highly effective and competitive agrarian sector can not be resolved as a strategic task for the development of a socially oriented economy, the formation of a civilized agrarian market and the entry of a world-wide economic space. The article deals with the study of theoretical principles, key characteristics of food safety of the country and the criteria for the assessment of this level. The practical significance of the results of the study is that the authors conducted a statistical analysis of the food security of Ukraine, identified the main factors that have taken place in 2016.

Originality. The complex approach to substantiation of measures to solve the problem of food security of Ukraine, the formation of a civilized agricultural market, the entry of the country into the world economic space has been used.

Practical value. The results of the study are aimed at providing a rational and balanced structure of food crops, achieving a food balance that meets the standards of healthy eating and contributes to the preservation of the health of the nation.

Key words: food safety; indicators; food; self-sufficiency; differentiation; food independence; economic availability of food; norms of consumption of food products; diet.


Key words: food safety; indicators; food; self-sufficiency; differentiation; food independence; economic availability of food; norms of consumption of food products; diet.

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