Purpose. The aim of the article is to substantiate the use of mechanism for ensuring sustainable economic development of state enterprises.
Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of study is a systematic approach to knowledge of fundamental provisions of formation of information and analytical support for the sustainable economic development of state enterprises. A system of general scientific and special methods are used to achieve the intended goal, namely: methods of logical generalization and comparison – to form main provisions of organization of sustainable economic development of state enterprises; methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization – in study of functional areas for evaluating indicators and strategic scenarios; abstract and logical method – in formulating the conclusions of the study.
Findings. The necessity of applying relevant principles and organizational and economic mechanisms, on basis of which indicators of economic activity are determined, is substantiated. The indicators of ensuring economic sustainable development of a state-owned enterprise are recommended to be determined in following functional areas: economic and marketing activities, finance, and personnel management. It has been established that operation of mechanism of sustainable economic development is ensured by resource potential through optimization, sound management principles, in accordance with the goals of the activity and methods of making managerial decisions, achieving rationality of economic processes. Possible management strategies to ensure sustainable economic development of state-owned enterprises are identified, taking into account possible strategic vectors that contribute to increasing efficiency of using economic potential. Based on this, strategic scenarios for ensuring sustainable economic development are proposed.
Originality.The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the concept of building and using mechanism for ensuring sustainable economic development of state enterprises by defining principles in system of managerial making decision and strategic guidelines
Practical value. Using proposed strategic scenarios to ensure sustainable economic development will allow to develop a model of economic development in accordance with conditions of current and strategic level of enterprise development. The effect will be ability to achieve sustainable economic development of state-owned enterprises in accordance with strategic goals based on accessible information support.
Key words: sustainable economic development; management; strategy; state-owned enterprise.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2019.5-6.9
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