Volodymyr Sysoiev, Viktoriia Korotun



Purpose. The aim of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of logistics technologies in the field of sales by means of their multi-criteria assessment.

Methodology of research. The following methods were used in the research process: methods of analysis and synthesis were used to structure the procedures for the implementation of logistics functions in the field of sales and the characteristics of the logistics technologies that implement them; the method of analysing hierarchies – for multi-criteria assessment of logistics technologies in the field of sales by means of their pairwise comparison and ranking.

Findings. Procedures for the implementation of logistics functions in the field of sales, which require information support, are structured. Data on the key differences of logistics technologies in the field of sales were systematized. A multi-criteria hierarchical model of the choice of logistics technologies in the field of sales was built according to qualitative criteria of efficiency based on the method of analysing hierarchies. It was established that AR (automatic replenishment) logistics technology was the most effective for application in the sales activity management system of the manufacturing enterprise.

Originality. The use of logistics technologies for the automation of procedures for the implementation of logistics functions in the field of sales, which require information support, is substantiated. A comparative analysis of logistics technologies in the field of sales was carried out by evaluating them according to the proposed qualitative criteria that characterize their key capabilities, which made it possible to choose the most effective logistics technology for the manufacturing enterprise.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research can be used in the development of logistics information systems to improve the efficiency of management of logistics support of sales activities of manufacturing enterprises that sell finished products through sales agents.

Key words: manufacturing enterprise, sales sphere, distribution logistics, logistics technologies, multi-criteria assessment, criteria, method of analysis of hierarchies.


manufacturing enterprise, sales sphere, distribution logistics, logistics technologies, multi-criteria assessment, criteria, method of analysis of hierarchies.

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