Iryna Stepanivna Hurska, Mariia Mykhailivna Lukianova



Purpose. The main aim of the study is to assess the current state of the milk and dairy market in Ukraine based on a comprehensive analysis of production and sales volumes, the formation of prices and levels of milk and dairy consumption, and the substantiation of the priority directions for ensuring the effective functioning of the domestic milk and dairy market.

Methodology of research. The following methods are used in the process of the research: comparative analysis in assessing general tendencies in the dynamics of milk production level indicators, quality, changes in stock prices for dairy raw materials, supply volumes of dairy products on the market, and their consumption level; graphic – when showing the structure of the milk and dairy market, the dynamics of the level of milk and milk product consumption adequacy in Ukraine, in assessing the dependence of consumption volumes and the supply on a number of factors; correlation and regression analysis – in determining key factors and their level of influence on demand (consumption) and supply on the modern market of milk and dairy products; abstract and logical in the preparation of conclusions.

Findings. The structure of the milk market, which includes the world and national markets for dairy products, which provides production, processing, marketing and sales system, is substantiated. The key factors influencing the functioning of the national milk market, formed in the process of forming demand and supply for dairy products in modern conditions, are determined. It is established that consumption of milk and dairy products in Ukraine in general is due to the economic and demographic factors that form demand and supply.

It is found that the formation of demand and supply of the market of milk and dairy products of Ukraine is closely related to the population level of prices for finished products, the level of stock prices for milk raw materials and the productivity of livestock.

Originality. The key factors influencing the volumes of milk supply by agricultural enterprises (level of productivity of cows, level of purchase prices) and consumer demand by the population (population and level of prices for finished products) are determined, which, in contrast to the existing approaches, does not take into account the impact of household incomes on the consumption of milk. There is found a negative correlation between these factors due to inflationary processes and the redistribution of family budgets to other expenditure items.

Practical value. The research results can be used to formulate a strategy for the development of the milk and dairy market, as well as to develop tools for maintaining the level of milk and dairy consumption by the Ukrainian population at all levels of government and self-governance.

Key words: milk; milk and dairy market; production; quality; price; consumption; demand; supply.


Key words: milk; milk and dairy market; production; quality; price; consumption; demand; supply.

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