Purpose. The aim of the article is to formulate and highlight the main principles of the methodological approach to comparative estimation of the cost of borrowed financial resources involved in the economic activity of agricultural enterprises.
Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the fundamental positions of modern financial theory, scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists on the formation of the value of borrowed capital, as well as the practical achievements of normative and legal maintenance of the process of attracting borrowed financial resources into the economic activity of agricultural enterprises. General scientific methods are used in the course of the research, in particular: theoretical generalization – to understand the key theories of the formation of the value of borrowed capital; systematization – for the formation of classification features of borrowed financial resources and the selection of key elements of the conditions for their involvement in economic activity; analysis and synthesis – to determine the main components of the cost of borrowed financial resources and to conduct a comparative assessment.
Findings. A comparative estimation of the cost of borrowed financial resources is offered in bank lending, forward and leasing operations, as well as in concluding loan agreements with agrarian receipts.
Originality. Based on his own research, the author identifies the dominant forms of financial support for agricultural enterprises: bank loans, forward and lease transactions, commodity loans, as well as loans using such new financial instruments as commodity and financial agrarian receipts. A comprehensive methodological approach to the comparative estimation of the value of various forms of financial resources involved in the economic activity of agricultural enterprises has been formed.
Practical value. The developed comprehensive methodological approach to comparative estimation of the cost of various forms of financial resources involved in economic activity can be used by agricultural enterprises in the course of management decisions on the use of various sources of capital attraction.
Key words: agrarian receipts cost of borrowed capital; credit operations; leasing operations; financial resources; forward operations.Keywords
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