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Author Guidelines

Information for the authors of the scientific journal


ISSN 2309-1533 (Print); ISSN 2310-4864 (Online)

Founders of the journal: Podolskyi State Agrarian and Technical University

Private Institution of Higher Education “Khmelnytskyi Economical University”

Private enterprise “Institute of Economics, Technologies and Entrepreneurship”

Ternopil State Agricultural Experimental Station of the Institute of Feeds Research and Agriculture of Podillia of NAAS

                                                                                                                                                                          Registered: Licence of government registration of printed mass media КВ № 11715-586Р from 08.08.2006

Re-registered: Licence of government registration of printed mass media КВ № 19945-9745 ПР from 28.05.2013



as a scientific professional editions of Ukraine (Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine: № 1-05/6; issued 14.06.2007);

as a scientific professional editions of Ukraine (Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine: № 1-05/2; issued 10.03.2010);

by the Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 13.07.2015, No 747 as scientific professional editions of Ukraine (economic sciences).

Periodicity - up to 12 times a year, volume - up to 30 conditional printed pages - up to 30 conditional printed sheets

Scientific articles can be sent by scientists, teachers, masters, graduate students, doctoral students, all those is engaged in scientific activities in the following areas:

Structure of the journal:

– Cross-border convergence between Ukraine and the EU

– Economy and innovative development of the national economy

– Economy and competitiveness of the enterprises

– The economic policy of regional development and local government

– Environmental economics and ecologization of the environment

– Demography, population employment and social – economic policy

– Marketing and market relations

– Financial–credit and monetary policy

– Statistics, accounting, analysis and audit

– Information technology and economic security

– Criticism and bibliography.



The articles that have scientific value are accepted for printing.

The author has the right to submit only one scientific article in one number, which is unique and that has not been published before.

1.  The Articles (electronic version) in the format MS Word (doc, rtf, docx) shall be submitted for printing.

2. The articles in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages are accepted for consideration. The volume of the article should be from 11 pages of the body of the article, format А4 in 1,5 interval, size 14, font Times New Roman, fields on all sides – 20 mm). Annotations in 3 languages should be placed in one file with article after References (the requirements for the annotations are listed below).

3.  Structure of the article

3.1.     Line 1- UDC (leveling on the left edge);

Line 2 - JEL Classification.

Line 3 – the full name of the author's (co-authors (no more than 3 co-authors);

Line 4 – scientific degree and academic status, position and place of work (full name of the department, structural subdivision, institution, without abbreviations), each co-author on a new line, leveling on the right edge;

Line 5 – the title of the article (center alignment, bold type, capital letters);

Line 6 – the text of the article with indicating the necessary elements (according to paragraph 4 of these requirements). The text of the article ends with the conclusions of the study and the literature used.

 3.2.     According to the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine from 15.01.2003, no. 7-05 / 1 “On increasing requirements for professional publications included to the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine”, scientific articles submitted for publication must contain the following necessary elements with their indication:

Setting the objective, where the relevance of the topic is substantiated (the existing problems in the field of research in the scale of the country, industry, enterprises, defined directions of state policy in their solution, their connection with the set scientific or practical tasks are highlighted).

Analysis of the latest research and publications, where the main domestic and foreign scholars, who deal with a specific problem, are indicated, the analysis of the latest results of their research and publications is provided, as well as unresolved parts of the general problem, which is dedicated to the article must be highlighted.

Setting the problem, where the purpose and objectives, the object and subject of research are formulated.

The main material of research, which covers the theoretical and practical aspects of the obtained results of the study.

Conclusions and further researches, which provide detailed concrete conclusions (by points) based on the results of the study and the prospects for further developments in this direction.

Bibliographic List (not less than 8 sources) is placed after the article in the order of reference or in alphabetical order, is printed in 1.5 intervals, with a font size of 14, Times New Roman font, and is formed in accordance with the order of the MES of Ukraine no. 40 of January 12, 2017 and established by the requirements of the national standard SSU 8302:2015.

3.3 Link to the sources of the bibliographic list in the text should be given in square brackets, for example, [4, p. 31; 2, p. 21-39], in which the first digit indicates the serial number of the source in the bibliographic list and the second - the corresponding page in that source; one source (without pages)  is separated from the other by a semicolon, for example, [1; 2; 5; 8; 11; 19].

In addition, after the Bibliographic List are mandatory References- a bibliographic list in Latin (this is a necessary requirement of international scientometric databases abstracting and indexing and is performed using APA style).

3.4 After the Bibliographic List and References is given in 2 languages (Ukrainian, English) extended annotation in the form of an abstract (at least 1800 characters with spaces, including key words, interstrip interval - 1; skittles - 14; font - Times New Roman) having the following structural parts: title of the article, purpose, methodology of research, findings, originality, practical value, key words (this is a necessary requirement for international scientometric databases of abstracting and indexing).

3.5 Requirements for the structure and design of materials:

– all structural sections in the text should be highlighted in bold;

– all statistical data should be backed up by references to sources;

– all quotes should end with references to sources;

– if in the review of the literature or further in the text you refer to the scientist's name – his publication should be in the general Bibliographic List;

-    a summary of the main research material should end with text, not a table or picture.

 3.6. The number of table material and illustrations should be optimal. The digital material is presented in a table with a serial number, leveling on the right edge (for example, Table 1) and the title (printed above the table in the middle of bold, for example, Number of small businesses in Ukraine). Table text served Times New Roman font, size 12, space 1). The drawing should be a single graphic object   (grouped). After the tables and figures -indicate the source ([]; development of the author; compiled by the author based on  [], etc.). For pictures taken in Excel, you need to send an Excel file in addition to the article. Illustrations should also be numbered and they should have names, that appear outside the grouped graphic object, (example, Fig. 1. Wage Dynamics in Ukraine). Illustrative material necessarily should be in contrast in black and white. The format of the tables and figures is book-only. . Formulas (with standard numbering) performed in Microsoft Equation Editor. Signatures of drawings and formulas must be available for editing. All graphic objects should not be scanned.

3.7. The article should not be hyphenated and use macros. When typing should be disabled automatic “soft” transfer (banned "Forced" transfers - using a hyphen). Paragraphs mark only the button "Enter", do not use spaces or tab (Tab key).


Not allowed to use diluted or condensed font. The file name must be the same as the author's name (for example: Antonenko_article).

 4. Procedure for submitting the article

4.1. An electronic version of the article (see appendix 1) and applications (see appendix 2) for reviewing.

4.2 Package of accompanying documents (scanned) is sent to the editorial office by the email in case of positive conclusion:

– a review (except for the authors – doctors of sciences), signed by the doctor of sciences and stamped with the seal of the institution, where the reviewer works;

– for authors without a scientific degree, an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department of the institution, where the applicant is studying or working with the recommendation of the article for printing is obligatory;

– a copy of the receipt for the cost of the publication; (payment is made after approval  editorial board article for publication);

5. A note makes below on the first page of the article for postgraduate students, where indicates the name and initials of the supervisor, his degree and academic rank.

6. For registration Bibliographic list in Latin should be used APA style. (

7. Transliteration of information It is necessary according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 27.01.2010 no. 55 (


The editorial board is not responsible for the information contained in the article.

The author is responsible for the originality of the article (the author is responsible for plagiarism), the accuracy of the above facts, quotes, statistics, proper names, geographical names, and other information, as well as the fact that the material does not contain data, what not subject to the open publication.

Reduction of words and phrases, except the conventional ones, it is not allowed.

Materials issued with deviation from these requirements, the editorial board does not consider

The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board, which also reserves the right to further review, edit and reject the articles.

The author (s) of the article is sent one author's copy of the journal. On additional copies warn in advance with the appropriate surcharge.


The authors agree to collect and process personal data in order to include them in the database in accordance with the Law of Ukraine no. 2297-VI “On Protection of Personal Data” of 01.06.2010. The names and email addresses given by users of this magazine's site, will be used solely for the purpose of the internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed or transmitted to outsiders.


Reimbursement of costs.

Reimbursement of expenses for the complex of editorial and printing works, and also delivery, Translator account number and payment amount for translation reported to each author separately.

This journal does not employ submission charges.



Appendix 1

UDK 338.43.008 004:631

JEL Classification L 830, O 130

Tkachuk V.V.,

ссon.), assoc. prof., dean at the faculty of economics

Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University


 Setting the problem

In terms of consistently growing demand for rural tourism is particularly acute feeling the lack of an established mechanism for dissemination of information on rural tourism...

Analysis of the latest research and publications

The theoretical and methodological basis of the research are consists of the works of A. Tataryntsevoi, O. Oliinyk, which investigate the issues of management enterprises of tourist sphere

Setting the objective

The purpose of the article is to summarize ways to disseminate information on rural green tourism and the development of information technology in this sphere. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: analysis of modern tourist portals as channels for obtaining operational information on rural tourism; research on modern trends and technologies in rural green tourism; generalization of proposals for the development of an effective information-analytical system for rural tourism.

The main material of research.

There is no doubt the fact that

text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text….

Conclusions and further researches.

Analysis of the information and analytical support for rural tourism certifies that for today there is missing effective information system that…



1. Stepaniuk, O.O., Babikova, K.O. and Isayenko, V.M. (2016), “The role of information technology in the organization of rural green tourism”, Zbalansovane pryrodokorystuvannia, no. 1, pp. 58-61.



Tkachuk V.V.



Methodology of research.



Practical value.

Key words.


Appendix 2



to post of the article in the scientific journal

“Innovative economy”

Information about the author




Full Name




Work place








Scientific degree




Academic status




Title of the article




The title of the section of the journal




Phone for contacts and the address for sending an author's copy (all lines must be filled in)





The number of the house

The number of the flat (room)

The name of the settlement




Contact phone



I confirm my desire to post the article in the scientific and production journal  “Innovative economy”. I agree with all the editorial board's requirements regarding the content, scope, format and order of submission of materials

I agree to collect and process personal data in order to include them in the database in accordance with the Law of Ukraine no. 2297-VI “On Protection of Personal Data” of 01.06.2010.

Date                                                                          Signature


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Open-access articles (open-access journals)

Authors whose articles are published in open-access retain all rights to the content of the articles.

Open access articles are committed to be published under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0. This license allows others to distribute, edit, correct and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they indicate your authorship. Detailed information at Creative Commons site:

Permissions for open-access journals

If the article is published in open-access under CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC 4.0 (which was possible till the 15th of December, 2018) licenses, users may reproduce it in accordance with their terms.

Additionally, if the article had been published under CC BY-NC 4.0 (this license authorizes others to download your works and share them with others as long as they indicate your authorship, but they can’t use them commercially in any case.), the use for the following commercial purposes requires permission:

– reproduction of content in a work or product intended for sale;

– reproduction in presentations, brochures or other marketing materials used for commercial purposes;

– distribution of the content to promote or market a person, product, course, service or organization;

– text and data mining for the purpose of creating a saleable product or product which benefits from promotional or advertising revenue;

– use of the content by a commercial entity or individual for the purposes of remuneration, directly or indirectly through sale, licensing, promotion or advertising;

– linking to the content (in an email, webpage, portable electronic device or otherwise) for the specific purpose of marketing or advertising a person, product, course, service or organization for commercial benefit.

For further details and permission requests, please contact.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.