Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the influence of risks in the management system of international projects.
Methodology of research. The following research methods were used to achieve the goal: analysis, abstract and logical – to establish the essence and tasks of the development of international projects, as well as to reveal the relationship between the management of international projects and the risks of their operation; interpretations and comparisons – to determine the prospects for improving the management of international projects under the influence of risk circumstances; induction and deduction – when determining the impact of risks on the success of promotion and implementation of a business project; generalization – for formulating the content of the concept of risks in the management system of international projects and the conclusions of the conducted research.
Findings. It has been established that the risk management of an international business project is a complex system, the elements of which are interconnected; this ensures the effectiveness of threat and risk management in the process of implementing this innovative project. A clear construction of a rational organizational structure of business project management was revealed, which allows effective application of long-term and operational management solutions. The procedure for distributing responsibility between each employee of the company as part of the formation of a decentralized risk management apparatus, where each person personally performs the functions of a risk manager, is outlined.
Originality. The algorithm for forming a complex international project risk management system through integration into the general system of project organization and management is substantiated.
Practical value. Systematized and substantiated research results can be used to avoid risks in the management system of international business projects.
Key words: risk, project, international project, management system, risk management methods, standard.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2022.2-3.15
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