Olena Borysiak



Purpose. The article is devoted to determining the features of the innovative potential of energy enterprises, the implementation of climate policy within war conditions and developing the conceptual model for positioning “green” energy as a climate-neutral product in the energy market.

Methodology of research. The following methods were used: system analysis – to determine the positioning of “green” energy as an innovative product on the energy market; dualistic cognition – to form the features of changing the approach to resource provision in the energy market in the direction of resource saving and climate neutrality; induction, deduction – to consider the role of the introduction of critical climate technologies at energy enterprises under martial law; abstract and logical approach – for the development of a conceptual model of positioning "green" energy as a climate-neutral product on the energy market.

Findings. The article considers the peculiarities of changing the approach to resource provision in the energy market in the direction of resource efficiency and climate neutrality. The directions of the energy market development within pre-war based on the use and consumption of energy from natural non-renewable sources, the production and consumption of alternative energy (“green” energy), as well as energy services, are highlighted. But, the innovative approach to the introduction of critical climate technologies at energy enterprises within war conditions lies in the intersectoral interaction of enterprises in the chain of production, transmission and consumption of energy in non-combat regions.

Originality. The integrated segment approach to modelling the positioning of “green” energy as climate-neutral product in the energy market is proposed. This conceptual model will promote the formation of a climate-neutral energy chain, the creation of a climate energy cluster on the basis of a circular economy (for example, agricultural enterprises, “green” energy, transport).

Practical value. The conceptual model for positioning “green” energy as a climate-neutral product in the energy market makes it possible to determine the components of the mechanism for the innovative development of the energy market due to the introduction of critical climate technologies within post-war conditions, namely: diversification of sources for obtaining “green” energy, enhancing resource conservation and increasing energy efficiency of energy enterprises, developing an alternative energy market and an energy service market, restructuring of the “green” tariff for energy consumption, launching innovative technologies and smart grids of energy supply.

Key words: energy security, climate security, defence capability, energy market, climate change, renewable energy sources, critical infrastructure, climate innovation, innovative development, circular economy.


energy security, climate security, defence capability, energy market, climate change, renewable energy sources, critical infrastructure, climate innovation, innovative development, circular economy.

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