Yurii Oleksandrovych Nikitin, Maryna Vasylivna Melnyk



Purpose. The aim of the article is to conduct an analysis of the approaches on the basis of which to develop the organizational and economic mechanism of management of the open innovation process.

Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consisted of a set of scientific methods and methodological approaches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of application of organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management and innovation process.

Findings. It is established that: the structural organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management includes: elements, systems and mechanisms (the elements include: subjects, objects of management; to systems include: the system of provision, the functional system and the target system, to the mechanisms include: structural mechanisms, information mechanisms, mechanism of management organization, economic and motivational mechanisms). It is determined that for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism it is possible to apply a systematic approach, which involves consideration of the mechanism of elements and the totality of relations and relationships between them and the institutional approach that determines the conditions for the formation of institutions that stimulate the innovative activities of economic entities. The expediency of introducing open innovation and open innovation process is substantiated.

Originality. The organizational and economic mechanism of management of an open innovation process, which includes an external system with target and network subsystems and an internal system with subsystems: research, demonstration, increase of organizational efficiency and maturity, is proposed.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research allow to effectively implementing an open innovation mechanism at enterprises, thus reducing the chain of added value of innovations.

Key words: management mechanism; open innovations; organizational and economic mechanism; open innovation process.


Key words: management mechanism; open innovations; organizational and economic mechanism; open innovation process.Key words: management mechanism; open innovations; organizational and economic mechanism; open innovation process.

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