Larysa Fedoryshyna, Olha Harvat



Purpose. The aim of the article is research of approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of “personnel development”, existing methods of personnel development and outlining the features of their use in modern conditions.

Methodology of research. The following research methods are used to achieve such purpose: historical, analytical, abstract and logical - to establish the nature and objectives of staff development, as well as to reveal the relationship between staff development and the success of organizational entities; interpretation and comparison - to determine the prospects for increasing the level of labour potential as a separate organizational entity, and at the national level; inductions and deductions - in determining the impact of personnel development on the effectiveness of corporate governance and, conversely, corporate governance on the development of personnel of organizational education; tabular - for a visual presentation of systematized material to determine the essence of the concept of “staff development”, methods of staff development; generalization - to formulate their own definition of “staff development” and the conclusions of the conducted study.

Findings. It has been established that staff development provides staff with the acquisition of relevant knowledge and professional skills, unlocking the potential of employees, strengthening staff commitment to the values of the organization, facilitating the process of implementing certain organizational changes. It is substantiated that the continuous development of staff on a systematic basis will ensure the effectiveness of the organization and the formation of an appropriate corporate culture. The main teaching methods and experience of organizing and implementing personnel development programs of successful companies are analysed.

Originality. Scientific approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “staff development” are generalized and given its own definition as a purposeful systemic process of improving the quality characteristics of the organization’s staff on a systematic basis using various methods to improve individual and collective performance, increase overall productivity and thus ensure continuous improvement efficiency of organizational education.

Practical value. Based on the results of the study, proposals for the implementation of personnel development programs on a continuous systematic basis can be used by organizational entities of any form of ownership, regardless of the field of management and industry affiliation.

Key words: personnel, development, training, teaching methods, human capital, enterprise.


personnel, development, training, teaching methods, human capital, enterprise

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