Purpose. The aim of the article is the application of a systemic approach to improving institutionalization of regulation of innovation development taking into account the principles of economic security and sustainable development.
Methodology of research. The following methods are used in the research: structural analysis – to identify the list of institutes of innovation development; statistical analysis – to assess the state of innovation activity in Ukraine; system and information analysis – for the classification of economic interests, which is the basis of the formation of the goals of innovation development; system analysis – to determine the elements and interrelations between them the mechanism of institutional regulation of innovation.
Findings. The system of institutionalization of innovations is considered, its structure, connections between components and factors of formation of the institutional environment are determined.
The mechanism of institutional regulation of the innovation sphere is developed, taking into account the factors of economic security and the goals of sustainable development.
The system and structural approach to the formation of the mechanism of institutional regulation in the innovation sphere is applied, which allowed establishing the links between the main elements, ensuring the coordination of the interests of economic entities for the realization of the goals of sustainable development. An organizational mechanism is proposed that takes into account directions of improvement of the institutional regulation of innovation development.
Originality. The scientific novelty of the results is to apply a systematic approach to the consideration of institutional innovations, which allowed taking into account the factors of economic security and sustainable development in the mechanism of regulation of innovation development.
Practical value. Classification of the list of institutions and regulatory mechanisms, economic interests, methods and conditions for the coordination of interests implies their practical use for improving the efficiency of innovation policy for sustainable development and economic security.
Key words: institutionalization system; types of institutes; innovation infrastructure; factors; mechanism; economic security; sustainable development.Keywords
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