Oksana Yuriivna Samborska, Vladyslav Anatoliiovych Horhota



Purpose. The aim of the article consists in the study of emigration processes as a destabilizing factor of labour potential in the modern transformational economy, substantiates the problems and ways to overcome the consequences of such processes for economic development and preservation of intellectual and labour potential.

Methodology of research. In the course of writing the article, the methods generally accepted in economics were used: theoretical and comparative analysis – to reveal the essence and significance of migration processes; analysis and synthesis, system and structural; grouping method – to determine the number of persons, causes and consequences of emigration of the population; graphical method – to visualize the result of determining the amount of population reduction and the number of citizens who have received residence permits in the European Union; abstract and logical for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions.

Findings. The article examines the causes, consequences of migration processes, identifies the types of migration and the concentration of the largest number of migrants in some European countries. The social and economic characteristics of external labour migrants, directions of labour emigration, the status of stay of Ukrainian citizens abroad are analysed.

Originality. The main causes and consequences for the social and economic development of the country of migration processes have been assessed, the situation with the demographic crisis in the country has been studied and the countries where emigrants from Ukraine live the most have been identified. The functional responsibilities of state authorities to control unregulated migration and the consequences of such processes on the development of the country’s economy have been established. The measures of the state migration policy are substantiated.

Practical value. The results of the study can be used in the development of social and economic development programs at the regional and local levels, taking into account the peculiarities of accumulation and development of labour potential in the territorial units of Ukraine.

Key words: migration; emigrant; potential; relocation; reduction in numbers; population.


migration; emigrant; potential; relocation; reduction in numbers; population.

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2021.7-8.11


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