Maryna Borysivna Nahara



Purpose. The purpose of the article is systematization of approaches to the definition of “sustainable development”, substantiation of its complementary components and improving the concept interpretation.

Methodology of research. Dialectical method of scientific knowledge, general scientific principles, provisions of sustainable development concept are theoretical and methodological basis of the study. Systems analysis is used for disclosure of basic categories. Analysis and synthesis are used to improve the meaningful interpretation of sustainable development.

Findings. It is substantiated that sustainable development is associated with the transformation of the human’s role in the process of socio-ecological and economic progress, progressive economic growth and the formation of a new circular economy.

The difference between the concepts of “sustainable development” and “stability” is determined. Stability is a dynamic growth vector characterized by a positive value. Sustainable development implies not only positive values of growth, but also negative and zero indicators. The difference between stability and sustainable development is that the latter allows zero and negative values, and the amplitude of cyclical fluctuations is much larger than in stability process.

Originality. Interpretation of “sustainable development” concept is improved. It is interpreted as a pluralistic, complementary process that interconnects with economic, social and ecological systems, determines their dynamics and direction in order to increase and qualitative growth of the integrated socio-ecological-economic effect, preservation and enrichment of the environment.

Practical value. The main provisions of the study can be applied in the formation and use of sustainable development programs at the micro, meso and macro levels.

Key words: sustainable development; stability; system; environmental management; environment; economic growth; environmental responsibility.


Key words: sustainable development; stability; system; environmental management; environment; economic growth; environmental responsibility.

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