Alla Olehivna Chornovol, Yuliia Vasylivna Nemish, Olha Borysivna Biliavska



Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the legal and organizational principles of public finance management.

Methodology of research. To achieve this goal, the following tools of research methods were used: dialectical - to determine the initial conditions and content of public finance; analytical - when processing literary and Internet sources; causal - to determine the institutional support of public finances; abstract-logical - to generalize the presented material and draw conclusions.

Findings. The issues of the essence, structure and peculiarities of the functioning of public finances in Ukraine are studied; the institutional units that ensure their formation and control over their use are specified. The peculiarities of the content of public finances of Ukraine are considered, the peculiarities of their components are determined in order to achieve not only economic, but also social goals by the state. Under the institutional support of public finances, we understand a purposeful hierarchical system of legal institutions that form, use, redistribute and control the funds of the public sector. Thus, based on this, among the components of institutional support are: state; executive, legislative and judicial powers; VRU, CMU, central executive bodies, higher judicial bodies, National Bank, Accounting Chamber; local councils, local executive bodies, budgetary institutions, subjects of state and communal property; advisory bodies under the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; scientific, public and professional institutions (organizations) in the field of public finance. The relevance of the study of issues related to improving the efficiency of state bodies on the basis of recommendations of international organizations and the formation of appropriate regulatory and legal support is substantiated. For example, it was noted that an action plan for the respective years should be developed, which includes directions for each area of the Strategy for Reforming the Public Finance Management System (in our opinion, public) and specifies the state bodies responsible for a particular area of public finance. The bodies of state financial control are determined in accordance with the current legislation, in particular: external control carried out by the legislative bodies - the committees of the Verkhovna Rada and the Accounting Chamber; executive authorities and the central bank - the Cabinet of Ministers (through specialized state bodies) and the NBU; and internal (performed by heads of state bodies) and internal audit (performed by the main managers of budget funds). The requirements of the current legislation to ensure openness of their spending and opportunities for free access to this information in order to strengthen public control over the use of public funds are analyzed. The composition and main problems of institutional support of public finances are formulated and practical recommendations for its evaluation are provided, which will allow to increase the efficiency of public finance management.

Originality. The scientific novelty lies in the separation of the content of the institutional support of public finances and recommendations for its evaluation according to the established criteria.

Practical value. The main provisions of this study in the form of evaluation proposals can be used to monitor the impact of public reform policy on the development of public finances.

Key words: public finance; management; institutional support; public authorities; public financial control.


Key words: public finance; management; institutional support; public authorities; public financial control.

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