Purpose. The aim of the article is in-depth study of questions related to the features, methodological approaches and indicators of economic analysis and evaluation of the energy saving system in agricultural enterprises.
Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. The study used general and special methods, including abstract and logical (to outline the main factors, influencing the characteristics of energy saving in agricultural enterprises, for the author’s interpretation of the energy saving system in agricultural enterprises), deductive (to analyse the dynamics and areas of economic efficiency level increase of energy saving system); generalization (in the study of the possibility of implementing the latest technologies aimed to improve the energy saving system in agricultural enterprises).
Findings. It is established that agricultural industries have a number of features, in particular: use energy for production, generate it. This feature is based on the fact that in the production process there are three fundamentally different types of energy: anthropotechnogenic (fossil); solar and soil energy. It was found that the process of energy conservation in agriculture should be formed by reducing fossil energy sources and by making fuller use of renewable solar energy and soil energy potential. An important feature of agriculture has been identified, which lies in its significant level of spatial dispersion, which causes significant costs for transport services of production processes and logistics. There is a significant difference in the principles of energy consumption, fossil energy is the main in industry and in agriculture - it plays a supporting role. There, natural energy forms the biological mass (harvest, live mass of animals).
The author’s interpretation of the concept “energy saving of agricultural enterprises” is offered, which includes a system of measures (organizational, economic, technical and technological, ecological, legal and operational), coordinated action of which should be aimed at the rational use of energy in the process of agricultural production.
The indicators of the group of economic analysis of energy saving in agriculture are determined: total energy capacity; energy armament; energy supply; electrical equipment of labour, etc. The key stages of energy saving research and tasks in agricultural enterprises are clarified. Grouping of methods of research of energy saving is offered.
Originality. The author’s interpretation of the concept of “energy saving of agricultural enterprises”, definition of key stages of energy saving research and systematization of appropriate methods were further developed.
Practical value. The introduction of research results into production will help increase the economic efficiency of agricultural production.
Key words: energy saving, energy efficiency, energy resources, renewable energy sources, rational use of energy resources.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2021.3-4.13
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