Oksana Khilukha



Purpose. The aim of the article is substantiation of theoretical bases of formation of system of corporate training.

Methodology of research. In the process of writing the article are used general scientific methods of economics, based on a systematic approach ‒ analysis, synthesis and graphics (reflecting the author’s vision of the process of forming a corporate learning system), as well as methods of generalization and comparison (describing existing methods of corporate learning).

Finding It is established that the system of corporate training determines the resources of staff training, to which we include the knowledge, skills and abilities of mentors; training material that must be mastered to get the result; staff training products, which includes the appropriate level of knowledge of skills and abilities of staff; and also provides for the formation of goals and objectives, principles, functions, factors and methods of corporate learning. It is substantiated that the main methods of corporate learning are: lectures, seminars-debates, educational and theoretical conferences, business games, case-methods, colloquia, round tables, trainings, discussions with division into groups, distance learning, self-study, mentoring, shadowing, bading.

Originality. The substantiation of theoretical bases of formation of system of corporate training which, in author’s understanding, should be directed on transformation of resources of training (entrance into system) into products of training (exit) by means of various methods of training of the personnel taking into account influence of external factors has received further development.

Practical value. The considered methods of corporate personnel training can be used by Ukrainian enterprises in order to build an effective personnel training system or improve the existing one.

Key words: enterprise, corporate learning system, knowledge, skills, lecture, seminar-debate, educational-theoretical conference, business games, case method, colloquium, round table, training, discussion with division into groups, distance learning, self-study, mentoring, shadowing, bading.


Key words: enterprise, corporate learning system, knowledge, skills, lecture, seminar-debate, educational-theoretical conference, business games, case method, colloquium, round table, training, discussion with division into groups, distance learning.

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