Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for determining the content of innovation and innovation activities of the enterprise, substantiation of the basic principles of organizational and economic mechanism for managing innovative development of the enterprise and determining the directions of a systematic approach to this mechanism.
Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the provisions of modern economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the optimization of management of innovative development at a commercial enterprise. The following general scientific research methods are used to achieve this goal: system-structural and terminological analysis – to streamline the conceptual and terminological apparatus on the economic content of the categories “innovations”, “innovative activity”, “innovation”; grouping, comparison and theoretical generalization – to study scientific papers on the management of innovative development in a commercial enterprise; induction and deduction – to study the classification features of grouping the principles of functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of innovative development of the enterprise; abstract and logical – for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions.
Findings. The necessity of optimization of management of innovative development at the trade enterprise is substantiated. It is established that innovative activity is a type of activity of business entities aimed at the emergence of new or improved solutions, designed in innovation. The main principles of innovation creation are determined: market needs analysis; analysis of economic activity of the enterprise; intellectual activity to create a new product. The basic principles underlying the organizational and economic mechanism of management of innovative development of the enterprise are studied: principles of system, complexity, orientation on innovative way of development, balance of interests of subjects of innovation process, maintenance of balance between consumption and reproduction of natural resources.
Originality. The trajectory of formation of organizational and economic mechanism of management of innovative development of the enterprise is substantiated, providing its transformation for the purpose of adaptation to change of the market environment; directions of the system approach to formation of this mechanism as open, adaptive, dynamic system of probabilistic character are defined.
Practical value. The results of the study on the basic principles of innovation, in particular: analysis of market needs; analysis of economic activity of the enterprise; intellectual activity to create a new product is proposed for implementation at wholesale and retail enterprises of Ukraine.
Key words: innovation, innovative activity, innovative development, trade, principle, potential.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2021.1-2.11
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