Mykola Anatoliiovych Horlachuk



Purpose. The aim of the article is systematization of methodological methods and theoretical substantiation of the essence of value and price on the basis of critical consideration of scientific research of the Marxist theory of labour value.

Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is scientific positions that are reflected in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. In particular, the abstract and logical method is used in solving the tasks set in the work in order to classify the methodological tools of value forms, to diagnose the current state of scientific research on the theory of value and price; inductions and deductions – to identify relationships in the process of typology of different categories; epistemological and dialectical methods – to identify the most common problems of scientific evaluation of labour theory of value.

Findings. An analysis of the existing methodological approaches is to the study of the fundamental provisions of the labour theory of value, as well as the categories of “cost” and “price”. Based on this, typical errors are identified and analysed, as well as the difficulties of interpreting value as a category of Marxist economic theory. The factors that led to the emergence of price theory based on the negation of value are studied. The main features of value empiricism are considered, the methodological methods that lead to the emergence of irrational constructions of value and price are highlighted.

Originality. The evaluation of pricing theories depending on the recognition of value or price as a key category of the theoretical model was made. Based on the analysis of scientific research, the basic concepts and methodological approaches to explaining value are systematized, as well as the reasons for naturalistic, quantitative, idealistic and other aspects of understanding value or complete neglect of it. The scientific insignificance of using the category “intrinsic value” as a methodological tool for interpreting the Marxist theory of value is proved.

Practical value. The essence of value and price is scientifically substantiated on the basis of critical consideration of the corresponding concepts offered by domestic and foreign scientists. Solving the fundamental problems of value and price will contribute to the development of an effective pricing policy for the practical purposes of economic development.

Key words: methodology, Marxist theory, capital, cost, value, price, pricing, labour value theory, price theory, value creation, nooeconomics.


Key words: methodology, Marxist theory, capital, cost, value, price, pricing, labour value theory, price theory, value creation, nooeconomics.

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