Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the conceptual basis of the process of consumer socialization of school-age children in view of the process of formation of a model of consumer behaviour of children in the market of food and food services.
Methodology of research. The study used general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis in the study of existing approaches to the implementation of age periodization of childhood, the method of grouping and generalization in the process of determining basis to segment the market of food products and services.
Findings. According to the results of the research, the conceptual bases of the process of consumer socialization of school-age children are formed, taking into account the process of formation of the model of consumer behaviour of children in the market of food and food services. It is noted that the marketing aspect of consumer socialization of school-age children involves the child in the process of growing up and interacting with other marketing entities experience in purchasing decisions, the formation of prejudices and patterns of consumer behaviour in the consumer market. The place of consumer socialization in the model of consumer behaviour of school-age children as a process of gaining experience, beliefs and culture of consumption is outlined.
Originality. Approaches to defining the essence of the process of consumer socialization of children have been further developed. For the first time, the conceptual difference between the model of consumer behaviour of adults and children, which consists in the process of consumer socialization of a child, the place of consumer socialization of the model of decision-making on the purchase of school-age children.
Practical value. Understanding the marketing aspects of consumer socialization of school-age children is of practical importance in the process of forming a marketing strategy by businesses in the market of children's food and services.
Key words: marketing, model of consumer behaviour, consumer socialization, consumer market, children, market segment.
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