Oleksandr Ivanyshyn



Purpose. The aim of the article is generalization of scientific-theoretical and improvement of methodological approaches to substantiation of innovative business- model of logistical support of innovative development of the enterprise for timely satisfaction of consumer demand.

Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods are used in the process of research, in particular: system analysis - to determine the impact of external and internal environment, market infrastructure on innovative business models of logistics of enterprise development; abstract and logical - in determining the possibilities of logistical support for the development of the enterprise and meeting the needs of consumers.

Findings. The need for enterprise development in the form of an efficient and competitive logistics system, which is currently costly and imperfect, negatively affects the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of products, enterprises and the country. It is established that logistics belongs to the category where the impact of digitalization is difficult to fully assess and implement due to the need for comprehensive modernization of infrastructure and technological processes. The sphere of logistics services in Industry 4.0 is characterized by features that are both indicators of the development of digitalization: the use of big data and cloud technologies; the spread of the Internet of Things; robotics development; dissemination of 3D printing technology; block-chain; crowdsourcing.

Originality. The logistical support of the innovative business model of modern enterprise development is proposed, which should be based on a system set of methods and organizational and management mechanisms of information technologies, software packages to achieve strategic development goals based on innovative transformation and implementation and use of artificial intelligence systems and Smart-grid technologies, network structures, clusters or hubs in search of opportunities to strengthen innovation capacity to meet the needs of consumers in a timely manner.

Practical value. The obtained results of the study can be used to expand the introduction of logistics innovations as part of innovative development of the enterprise, achieve better results of enterprises of industrial and non-industrial spheres, which will bring them to a new level of development and improve the economic situation from the standpoint of logistics as time requirements are constant monitoring of the market situation for the use of new methods of work and constant modifications of products or services.

Key words: innovations, logistics, technologies, products, modification, development, enterprise, attractiveness, commercialization, efficiency, consumers.


Key words: innovations, logistics, technologies, products, modification, development, enterprise, attractiveness, commercialization, efficiency, consumers.

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