Nataliia Kostetska



Purpose. The aim of the article is to study theoretical and methodological bases of strategic planning and features of its implementation in the practical activity of enterprises in modern conditions.

Methodology of research. Scientific works of scholars on the strategic planning of an enterprise activity are the theoretical and methodological bases of the research. The article uses general scientific methods of research such as comparison and theoretical generalization methods to study the essence of strategic planning and the enterprise strategy, abstract and logical methods to identify the prerequisites of strategic planning and requirements for its implementation, analysis and synthesis methods to determine the principles of strategic planning.

Findings. The article investigates the essence, significance, and purpose of strategic planning of enterprises activities in modern conditions. It identifies prerequisites for implementing strategic planning into activities of domestic enterprises. The study presents the main advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning. It identifies the obstacles for the practical implementation of strategic planning at enterprises. The article highlights the main requirements for strategic planning that will prevent problems in the future and the most important principles that will help increase the effectiveness of strategic planning at enterprises.

Originality. The study substantiates the necessity of establishing certain requirements for strategic planning which will allow achieving the desired goal. It identifies the most important principles that affect the effectiveness of the strategic planning process.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research aim to improve strategic planning by complying with certain requirements and principles during the implementation of strategic planning in practical enterprises activities in modern conditions.

Key words: planning, strategic planning, strategy, strategic plan, advantages of strategic planning, disadvantages of strategic planning, principles.


Key words: planning, strategic planning, strategy, strategic plan, advantages of strategic planning, disadvantages of strategic planning, principles.

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