Volodymyr Panteleiev



Purpose. The aim of the article is to disclose the organizational aspect of self-control (setting tasks and sources of information) based on innovations.

Methodology of research. The following methods are used to achieve this goal: comparative law ‒ to study the regulations governing innovation in Ukraine; system approach ‒ in the process of studying the factors that affect self-control; systematization, grouping and abstraction ‒ for the formation of tasks and sources of information for the organization of self-control and the content of the test of the innovative project of self-control.

Findings. It is established that the main elements of innovations of self-control are methods and programs of self-control, modern software and means of automation of self-control, continuous training of employees. Indicators of efficiency of innovations at self-control are resulted. It is proved that the introduction of self-control based on innovations helps to strengthen the owner's control over capital. The test of the innovative project of self-control is offered. According to the stages of self-control, its tasks and necessary sources of information are determined.

Originality. The substantiation of the expediency of self-control on the basis of innovations in the management of the enterprise, in particular, at the expense of the offered test of the innovative project of self-control has got further development.

Practical value. The study is the basis for further development of self-control in the management of Ukrainian enterprises. The proposed test of the innovative project of self-control can be used in assessing the level of internal control of the enterprise. The proposals can be applied to most companies, with certain options for science-intensive operations, small businesses, etc.

Key words: self-control, managerial innovations, classification of innovations, test of innovative project of self-control.


Key words: self-control, managerial innovations, classification of innovations, test of innovative project of self-control.

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