Purpose. The aim of the article is to assess the achieved level of consumption and trends in the efficiency of energy resources use in agriculture of Ukraine.
Methodology of research. The basic provisions of economics, scientific works of leading domestic scientists on the efficient use of energy resources are the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The following research methods are used in the process of writing the article: monographic (study of organizational and economic and production and technical measures to improve the efficiency of energy resources in agricultural enterprises); economic and statistical (analysis of the current state and efficiency of energy resources); abstract and logical (generalization and formulation of conclusions); graphical (visual display of research results in the form of diagrams and graphs) and method comparison (comparison of economic indicators of energy supply of agricultural enterprises).
Findings. It is determined that despite the significant share of consumption of fuel and energy resources in the agro-industrial complex (23% – diesel and 5% – gasoline), their demand has decreased significantly in recent years. Agricultural enterprises have reduced the use of gasoline by 13 times compared to 1990, diesel fuel – by 3 times. This can be explained by the reduction of sown areas by almost 15%, the cultivation of less energy-intensive crops, the reduction of almost four times the fleet of cars, tractors and combines, as well as a significant reduction in livestock production.
It was found that the reduction fuel consumption has helped reduce the energy intensity of agricultural products. If in 1994 agricultural enterprises spent 44.7 kg of conventional fuel per thousand hryvnias of gross output at comparable prices in 2010, in 2018 it is only 11.5 kg, or 3.9 times less.
It is substantiated that the reduction in the consumption of fuel and energy resources in agriculture is also associated with a continuous increase in their prices and an increase in the disparity in prices for energy and agricultural products. If in 1990 it was necessary to sell 0.2 tons of grain to purchase 1 ton of diesel fuel, in 2019 – 5.6 tons, or 37 times more. The same trend is observed for other types of resources.Originality. Taking into account the forecast indicators of development of agriculture, processing and service enterprises, the need for diesel fuel has been determined. It is expected that the consumption of diesel fuel in agricultural enterprises in 2020 will decrease slightly compared to 2018. Thus, in 2020 the expected consumption of diesel fuel for the agro-industrial complex will be 1430 thousand tons, gasoline – 114.5 thousand tons.
Practical value. As a result of the research, it is expected that the main provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations can be used in the process of improving the state regulatory policy to provide petroleum products to agricultural producers through state support in addressing the issue of excise duty on fuel and lubricants, increasing the effectiveness of antitrust measures to maintain price stability during the year, preventing conjunctural price increases during periods of critical mechanized work.
This will help increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises and the development of rural areas. Scientific developments can be used in the formation of regional targeted and comprehensive development programs agriculture.
Key words: fuel and energy resources, efficiency, energy consumption, conditional fuel, demand, oil products.
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