Vitalii Rostyslavovych Voloshchuk, Yuliia Oleksandrivna Voloshchuk, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Ivanyshyn



Purpose. The aim of the article is scientific and theoretical substantiation of the essence and mechanisms of investing in innovative development of enterprises.

Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods are used in the process of research, in particular: system analysis – to substantiate the essence of investing in innovative development of enterprises; abstract and logical and graphic – in determining the possible options for innovation and investment process of restoration of material and technical base for production and stages of the investment logistics chain of investment development of enterprises.

Findings. The essence of investing in innovative development of enterprises is determined based on the generalization of scientific approaches, which is manifested by the involvement of real and potential internal and external investment resources, sources, levers and measures. Such innovative development, taking into account the logistics chain, is aimed at finding and efficient use of investment resources, possible options for restoring the material and technical base of production and modernization of enterprises in the conditions of neo-industrialization. Different vector influence of factors on the given course of investment projects leads to qualitative, quantitative and structural changes of production and economic activity of enterprises on an innovative basis and achievement of high efficiency in case of coordination and joint efforts for the decision of problems of strategic orientation and definition of investment priorities.

The necessity and possible variants of restoration of material and technical base and stages of logistic chain of investment of development of enterprises, innovative projects for introduction of fundamentally new technologies and expansion of assortment at the expense of new creative products, transition to higher technological ways, replenishment of available intellectual assets and maintenance of innovative development of enterprises are proved.

It is determined that currently the most acute problem for investors is the protection of their rights and the possibility (ease) of doing business. Therefore, the state's efforts should be aimed at solving problems in the commercial sphere and creating a favourable business environment, increasing investment in agriculture, stabilizing sources and optimizing capital structure, ensuring effective distribution of investments in the formation of assets of agricultural producers by their size.

Originality. The definition of the essence of investing in innovative development of enterprises has been further developed; the scheme of possible variants of innovation and investment process of restoration of material and technical base for production of high-tech production taking into account stages of an investment logistic chain in the conditions of neo-industrialization is formed.

Practical value. The results of the study can be used to expand the base, diversify sources and increase investment by enterprises on the basis of self-financing; corporatization; lending; vendor, operational and electronic leasing or sales; attracting investment resources through the issuance of Eurobonds, obtaining loans from international financial and banking institutions, as well as targeted financing with the participation of credit agencies and a combination of all methods.

Also, the results of the study can be used to increase investment in the creation and commercialization of innovations and enhance innovative development of enterprises, the main priorities of which should be the skilful implementation of internal and external factors to ensure production efficiency and customization and individualization of new innovative products to consumers.

Key words: investment, modernization, investment project, innovations, investments, technologies, products, development, enterprise, attractiveness, commercialization, efficiency.


Key words: investment, modernization, investment project, innovations, investments, technologies, products, development, enterprise, attractiveness, commercialization, efficiency.

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