Inna Pavlivna Petruk



Purpose. The aim of the article is construction of a conceptual approach to the assessment of anti-crisis management of regional development in crisis situations.

Methodology of research. Empirical methods are used to establish and identify the components of anti-crisis management of regional development in the study. Their use has identified problems that have a negative impact on regional development, and generalized the formation of appropriate tools for assessing the impact on the social and economic status of the region and its businesses in order to overcome existing shortcomings. The study used the method of abstraction and generalization, which allowed the formulation of effective strategies for the development of the region in a crisis situation.

Findings. A conceptual approach to anti-crisis management of regional development has been formed, which will make it possible to carry out adequate anti-crisis measures and assess the crisis situation in the region in order to select an effective regional development strategy. The components of anti-crisis management are determined and its mechanisms are identified, guided by which it is possible to solve problems and overcome crisis challenges.

Originality. The concept of modernization of the anti-crisis management system of regional development with the identification of mechanisms and directions of anti-crisis policy, as well as the identification of relationships between them to ensure a full social and economic and creative direction of this system to overcome crisis phenomena and processes. The interpretation of the concepts of “challenge” and “regional challenge” has been further developed.

Practical value. Comprehensive monitoring of the proposed components of crisis management of regional development will identify the crisis situation and choose an effective strategy for the development of the region in the long term.

Key words: crisis challenges, anti-crisis management, regional economy, challenges, conceptual approaches, development strategy, crisis situation.



Key words: crisis challenges, anti-crisis management, regional economy, challenges, conceptual approaches, development strategy, crisis situation

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