Purpose. The aim of the study is to develop the parameters of capacity utilization assessment and innovative development of tourist destinations at the expense of the created tourist product of the destination; studying the basic principles of its formation.
Methodology of research. The empirical methods of research are used in the course of the research, namely: the method of generalization – when forming a multi-vector approach to the development of tourist destinations; the method of expert assessments – when positioning the tourist product in the tourism system; method of classification and system analysis – in the study of innovativeness of components of the tourist product. Methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific generalization and comparison – when researching data of scientific sources (monographs, articles of domestic and foreign scientists), as well as open sources of statistical information and official data of forums, ratings, international tourist barometer are used in the research process.
Findings. As a result of research the problems of assessment of tourism potential are updated as a source of innovative development of tourism; indicators and methods of measurement are analyzed; definition of the category “innovative potential of tourism” is substantiated and a model of its evaluation at different levels of implementation, with various forms of interpenetration and facilities of influence, implementation of effectiveness, perception and realization of the potential of tourism enterprises is presented.
The proposed valuation tools that allow to use the tourism resource potential of the country / region / destination have a positive impact on the value pricing of exhaustible resources for sustainable tourism development, allow forming capital resource potentially attractive resorts that will affect their investment and reputational status. At the end of the article the factors of formation of innovative tourist product of destination as an effective tool of realization of tourist potential of the region are offered.
Originality. The complementary factors of influence on the formation of a tourist destination management system by realizing existing and enhancing effective development potential are determined. Unlike the existing ones, these factors make it possible to estimate the direct and indirect contribution of tourism in the country's GDP by exploiting existing and enhancing excellent tourism potential.
Practical value. The proposed structure and content of the tourist product of the destinations, its innovative component is the basis for the formation of the product strategy of the destination product, raising its competitive status, sustainable development.
Key words: tourism potential; innovative development; evaluation of tourism potential; tourism product; destination.
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