Svitlana Leskova



Purpose. The aim of the article is to substantiate the importance of staff involvement for its development, as well as to identify factors that affect staff involvement and its competence in retail chains.

Methodology of research. The following methods of research are used in the paper: systematic and structural analysis allows exploring current approaches to the involvement of employees in retail sales networks and discovering its importance for staff development. The State Standards of Ukraine became the normative and legal framework for the study.

Findings. The study found that the staff of the retail trade enterprise is a significant resource, and how it serves to consumers depends on the effectiveness of the retail sales network as a whole. The definition of the term "involvement" is systematized. The factors of involvement of the personnel are distinguished as following: recognition of the personnel value, giving the opportunity for personnel development and career development, recognition of achievements, giving the opportunity to participate in making decisions and take responsibility, promotion of team work, trust and reputation of the enterprise.

The analysis of the State Standards of Ukraine is carried out, which shows the importance of staff involvement and its competence to ensure the quality management system of the enterprise. It is established that SSU ISO 10018: 2015 determines the necessity of applying a strategic process approach in involving personnel and its competence. The analysis of information on the staff involvement and development of personnel in the retail trade networks “Novus”, “Leroy Merlin Ukraine”, “Collin's” operating in the territory of Ukraine, as well as the American trading company “Wal-Mart”.

Originality. A model of the staff involvement and development process is offered. Unlike the existing ones it promotes employee involvement and encourages them to continuous development, which, in its turn, increases the productivity and competitiveness of the trading network in the domestic market.

Practical value. The factors that affect staff involvement and development are summarized. An algorithm for the process of staff involvement with proposals for possible implementation in retail chains is developed.

Key words: staff involvement; involvement; staff development; retail sales networks; factors; State standards of Ukraine.


Key words: staff involvement; involvement; staff development; retail sales networks; factors; State standards of Ukraine.

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