Rostyslav Romanovych Bahlei



Purpose. The aim of the article is generalization of theoretical positions on the functioning and optimization of business processes, studying the experience of practical application of models of optimization of business processes of business entities, allowing to determine cases of their practical application.

Methodology of research. The following methods are used to achieve the goal in the research process: the method of system analysis (for analysis of problems during business process planning at the enterprise); the theory of strategic management, the theory of categories, the theory of sets (to describe the methods and techniques of business processes); the theory of making decisions, the theory of organizational management based on process and system approaches (in the course of improvement of models of business processes at the enterprise).

Findings. The classification of business processes of the enterprise is carried out. The substantiation of business processes of the enterprise is implemented. The tools of business modeling and their importance in shaping business strategy are considered. The methods of analysis of business processes of the enterprise are highlighted. The analysis of approaches to the definition of the concept of composition of structural components of the model of business processes is carried out. The scheme of managed business process at the enterprise is graphically interpreted. The basic stages of formation and functioning of business model of the enterprise are substantiated and offered.

Originality. The general classification of business processes of the enterprise has been improved. The functional structure of the innovation and oriented business model, which describes the innovative activity of the enterprise, is proposed. The conceptual scheme of business process management is substantiated. The methods and techniques of constructing business process models of the enterprise are proposed, which allow to formalize the description of stream processes, provide the possibility of a systematic study of the optimization of production process chains.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research can be offered for introduction at any enterprise of Ukraine, which will facilitate the adaptation of opportunities of each of them to a constantly changing environment and have the status of a competitive enterprise.

Key words: analysis, planning, strategic management, business process, optimization, model, enterprise, process approach, system approach.


Key words: analysis, planning, strategic management, business process, optimization, model, enterprise, process approach, system approach.

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