Purpose. The aim of the article is to reveal trends and priorities of investment activity on the basis of improvement of theoretical, scientific and methodical, practical aspects of development. The following tasks are set to achieve the goal: analysis of current trends and justification of priorities; research of modern trends and technologies, sources of investment; generalization of proposals for the development of an effective information and analytical system.
Methodology of research. In the course of the research the system of general scientific and special methods is used that allowed to systematize, unify and define the volumes, priorities and sources of investment for further economic development. These include theoretical generalization of scientific approaches for determining investment priorities and comparing growth rates, analyzing and synthesizing investment in the spheres of economic activity, abstracting and specifying the organizational and economic mechanism for the distribution of capital investment capital by sources of funding, statistics for revealing the dynamics of capital investment volumes.
Findings. The dynamics of volumes and structure of investments are estimated, as well as the sources of investment are substantiated. In accordance with the basic principle of a market economy it is determined that state support in investment processes is very limited and of a situational nature, decisions on volumes, sources of investment attraction and their use necessitates the development and implementation of an organizational and economic mechanism for activating investment processes and effective management.
Originality. The introduction of organizational and economic mechanism of activization of investment processes and attraction of investments into the economy is substantiated for effective socially oriented development of the agrarian sector in order to ensure the stable provision of quality and safe local agricultural products to the population, and the industry – agricultural raw materials; increasing production volumes and expanding markets for agricultural products and products of high value-added processing and economic efficiency.
Practical value. The priorities of implementation of the planned measures of attraction of investments into the economy and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism of activation of investment processes, which will allow to increase the volume of investment and increase the level of security and investment attractiveness, competitiveness of enterprises and products, and will promote the economic development of the agrarian sector.
Key words: investments, priorities, conditions, attractiveness, safety, efficiency.Keywords
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