Purpose. The aim of the article is to analyze the dynamics and territorial structure of the tourist market of Ukraine and identify the main trends of the tourism industry.
Methodology of research. The theoretical basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic scientists on the problems of the development of tourism business and the peculiarities of the formation of the tourist market, and the informational background is the statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The following methods of scientific research are used to achieve the goal: analytical and monographic ‒ in the development of literary, statistical and Internet sources; structural analysis ‒ to determine structural changes in the tourist market of Ukraine with the help of the integral coefficient of structural changes of Salai and the integral coefficient of structural differences of Hatev; graphical and tabular ‒ for visual display of the processed statistics; abstract and logical ‒ for the generalization of the above material and the formulation of conclusions.
Findings. The level of disparity in the territorial structure of the national tourist services market in 2013-2017, in particular, in the number of subjects of tourism activity, is established with the help of the Salai and Hatev coefficients: more than 20% of all subjects of tourism activity are concentrated in Kyiv; among other centers of tourism activity, where its subjects of business most concentrated are allocated, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odessa and Kharkiv regions are allocated. It was determined that during the investigated period there were no dramatic changes in the regional structure of the insurance market of Ukraine by the number of subjects of tourist activity. However, there are a number of regions of Ukraine, where there were significant changes in their share in the total number of tourists served by tour operators in the period from 2013 to 2017. It was revealed that the structure of tourists serviced by tour operators in the regional section, after 2014, has changed the most as a result of the aggravation of the military and political situation in the East of Ukraine.
Originality. The further development of the analysis of the territorial structure of the tourist market of Ukraine took place, in particular due to the use of the integral coefficient of structural changes in Salai and the integral coefficient of structural differences of Hatev, which enabled to identify the heterogeneity of the regions in the development of the tourist market, the reasons of which are the aggravation of the military and political situation in the East of Ukraine, functioning of regional economies, tourist attractiveness of separate territories, etc.
Practical value. The results of the conducted research allow to reveal and analyze the territorial structure of the tourist market of Ukraine, which can become the basis for the development / improvement and further implementation of the relevant regional policy.
Key words: tourist market; territorial structure; travel agents; tourist services; tourist product.
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