Purpose. The purpose of the article is a research of ontological preconditions for outsourcing development and foundation of practical tools for its implementation in modern economic conditions.
Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the research of outsourcing activities. General scientific and special methods are applied in the process of research, in particular: evolutionary approach and system analysis method are applied for explanation of ontological peculiarities of outsourcing activity and for the analysis and evaluation of practical tools for outsourcing implementation in the world.
Findings. It is established that the main ontological preconditions for the development of outsourcing in the world economy are the principles of division of labour, specialization and cooperation both in the organization of production activities and in the organization of the management system. The division of labour within the organization of production activities and within the organization of management system has eliminated all the external elements of the process. By virtue of specialization, companies that specialize on particular type of works or services are able to meet consumer inquiries more fully and satisfactorily. Internal cooperation allows a company to be more flexible on the market and quickly make changes to production plans and management system.
It was reasoned that service specialization ensures an increase in the quality of the works performed, and economies of scale leads to a relative reduction in the cost of services provision. It is determined that externalization of services allows, at the expense of specialization and economy of resources, to expand a set of related services and to diversify them linearly.
Originality. It is proved that the basis of outsourcing is the division of labour within the production. It has been established that the elements of outsourcing are constantly evolving and cause the emergence of new forms of market organization and management models.
It is demonstrated that outsourcing combines the advantages of specialization and division of labour in production, the advantages of division of responsibility and authority in management, which ensures the effective organization of the production system in the context of increasing competition.
It was argued that outsourcing can occur in all forms, types and subtypes of division of labour: from the technical one at the enterprise, when the production processes are transferred to outsourcing companies, to the international one, when outsourcing companies operate in international markets.
It was established that modern technologies, especially information ones, allow for unprecedented variants of division of labour, and outsourcing acts as a tool that deepens the division of labour and, at the same time, as a tool of cooperation of labour. Outsourcing, in today’s conditions, is an effective tool for the division of labour and the distribution both of the production process and the management process, which enhances the economic effect of its application.
Practical value. Theoretical and methodological provisions deepen the practical principles for the development of outsourcing in the national economy and promote the intensification of modernization reforms of the national economy.
Key words: outsourcing; production; division of labour; specialization; cooperation.
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