Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the epistemological prerequisites for innovation development and substantiation of the institutional approach in the development of tools for realizing the potential of innovative development of the national economy.
Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the research is the systematic, institutional and evolutionary approach to the study of the problems of innovation development. General scientific and special methods are used in the process of research, in particular: monographic, system and analytical methods in substantiating the essence of innovation development and in analyzing and evaluating practical tools for realizing the potential of innovative development.
Findings. It has been established that the ontological foundation of the formation of the post-industrial economy in the world has become a distinction of the leading role of the intensive factors of economic development, which is ensured by the active introduction of progressive achievements of science and technologies. The first influence of scientific and technological progress and innovations on economic development was recognized by representatives of the classical school, the neoclassicists considered it a given factor; the Keynesians predominantly tended to the exogenous nature of the influence of science and progress on the economic system, and the launch of the theories of innovation systems contributed to the active use of systemic and synergetic approaches in the study innovation development.
It is argued that innovative development is implemented through a system of large national, regional, sectoral and corporate programs and projects, and provides for the transformation of the social and economic sphere of development of society based on advanced technologies. The scale of innovation development is due to the overall size of reproduction, the absolute scale and the proportion of innovations in the process of reproduction, the volume of resources involved in the innovation process.
Originality. It has been determined that innovation development is a global process that takes place in all spheres of social activity, among which the economy occupies a special place. This process differs unevenly with respect to individual firms, regions and national economies. It has a hierarchical structure and unfolds within the framework of national innovation systems.
It is argued that the implementation of innovative development causes the formation of a single institutional space for the effective interaction of economic entities. The institutional mechanism in this context should create and implement basic structures for the appropriate space.
The necessity of creation of practical mechanisms of institutionalization of innovative productions is substantiated; formation and development of the Institute of Intellectual Property; development of the system of innovative education; ensuring the participation of domestic commodity producers in global regulatory structures; improvement of the institutional mechanism taking into account the achievements of the information and technological revolution.
Practical value. The obtained results of the study deepen the practice of institutional regulation of modernization transformations and provide an opportunity for activation of innovative transformations in the national economy.
Key words: national economy; production; innovation; innovative development; innovative policy; institutional support.
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