Purpose. The aim of the article is to substantiate modern approaches to the development of agrarian insurance and formulate proposals for their implementation in the interests of all participants in the insurance process.
Methodology of research. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research are general scientific methods: in particular, abstract and logical (for substantiation of directions of institutional modernization of functioning of the market of agrarian insurance); system analysis (to study the possibilities of interaction between institutions of the insurance market on the basis of public and private partnership); theoretical generalization (to substantiate the expediency of introducing the basic units of social responsibility between the subjects of the insurance market).
Findings. The modern approaches to institutional modernization of the market of agrarian insurance are concretized. The radical changes, which stipulate the separation of two interrelated measures, namely: the reproduction of a favourable insurance environment in the agrarian sector and the interaction of state and non-state institutions of the insurance market, are substantiated. The expediency of using the potential of public and private partnership as an innovative form of insurance relations in the agrarian sector was determined.
Originality. The theoretical and methodological principles of organizational and legal, social and economic, moral and ethical character are presented, which are aimed at increasing the institutional capacity of insurers (in providing quality insurance services) and insurers (ensuring an adequate level of insurance protection) as a defining condition for the formation and successful functioning of the agrarian insurance market in Ukraine.
Practical value. The obtained results of the research are the basis for further improvement of the system of relations between the subjects of the insurance process on the implementation of the distribution and redistribution of agricultural risks in space and time.
Key words: agrarian insurance; institutes; institutions; risks; insurance market; insurers; insured persons.
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