Iryna Mykolaivna Mushenyk, Oleksandr Serhiiovych Burlakov



Purpose. The aim of the article is to study problems of innovative development of agro-industrial complex in Ukraine and substantiation of strategic priorities of state policy concerning increasing competitiveness and technological development of agro-industrial complex in Ukraine.

Methodology of research. The methodical toolkit of the research covered: the method of dialectical cognition, which was used when considering the state of innovation development of the agro-industrial complex in Ukraine; the method of coefficients and economic and statistical methods – in the study of the dynamics of social and economic development of Ukraine; economics and mathematics – with the improvement of methodical approaches to the evaluation of innovative projects in agro-industrial production, adapted to the conditions of a market economy; system and functional method – for generalization of modern theoretical and methodological concepts of creation and functioning of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation activity at all levels of management; experimental – when substantiating scientific approaches to investing innovative projects in agrarian production.

Findings. The state of innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is determined. The dynamics of social and economic development of Ukraine are substantiated. Problems of innovative development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine are revealed. The theoretical and practical bases of development of innovative activity of agro-industrial enterprises of Ukraine are considered. The peculiarities of innovation activity and the process of introduction of innovations into the production activity of agrarian enterprises are highlighted.

The priority directions of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises are indicated. The necessity of development of innovative policy of agrarian enterprises with the purpose of increase of efficiency of their functioning is determined. The scientific approach to investing innovative projects in agrarian production is substantiated.

Originality. The methodological, theoretical, scientific and methodical principles, as well as practical recommendations for the formation of a system for investing innovative projects in agro-industrial production, are substantiated.

Practical value. The research results can be used by Kamianets-Podilskyi regional state administration in developing proposals and practical recommendations for substantiating the Economic Development Plan.

Key words: innovations; innovative activity; agro-industrial complex; agricultural enterprises.


Key words: innovations; innovative activity; agro-industrial complex; agricultural enterprises.

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