Yurii Oleksandrovych Nikitin, Olesia Ivanovych Kulchytskyy



Purpose: Analyze the current trends of SMART paradigms and different approaches to defining the terms "smart organization", "smart company", "smart manufacturing ", "smart factory".

Methodology of research. In the process of research, general scientific and special methods and methodological approaches were used, in particular: dialectical and monographic methods - to determine the objectives and formulation of research tasks, analysis of scientific works and information sources of domestic and foreign scientists and the synthesis of their experience; the abstract and logical method and the system approach - in justifying the definitions: "smart organization", "smart company", "smart manufacturing", "smart factory".

Findings. The "SMART" paradigms and different approaches to defining the terms "smart organization", "smart company", "smart manufacturing", "smart factory" are analyzed. It was established that the existing definitions of "smart organization" were based on the essence of SMART paradigm, national and regional smart specialization of strategy Europe 2020, but each individual definition does not take into account the characteristics of other definitions. Existing definitions of the term "smart company" in the overwhelming majority do not reflect the characteristic features of "smart organization". It has also been established that the existing definitions of "smart factory" reflect the essence of flexible modular-structured intellectual manufacturing using cyber-physical systems for monitoring technological processes of manufacturing, but does not reflect the roles of staff and leaders in intelligent manufacturing.

Originality. A systemic approach to clarifying and defining of the terms "smart organization", "smart company", "smart factory" are proposed.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research allow to clarify the definition of the terms "smart organization", "smart company", "smart factory" and provide a clearer understanding of these terms for the business and scientific environment.

Key words: "SMART" paradigm; smart organization; smart company; smart manufacturing; smart factory.


Key words: "SMART" paradigm; smart organization; smart company; smart manufacturing; smart factory.

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