Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the structure of the economic environment of the added value of agricultural products and the prospects for its development in Ukraine.
Methodology of research. In the process of research, general scientific methods were used in particular: the methods of theoretical generalization - to study the theoretical foundations of the economic environment of the formation of added value of agricultural products, concepts and approaches to its structure; analysis and synthesis - to identify current trends in the economic environment of the value added of agro-food products and its structure forming factors; systematic approach - to justify the structure of the economic environment of the formation of added value of agricultural products with the allocation of key subsystems.
Findings.The main tendencies of development of economic environment of formation of added value of agro-food products in Ukraine are revealed. Negative trends: problems of financial and institutional provision of agricultural producers, underdeveloped agribusiness infrastructure, low level of implementation of innovations in the formation of supply chains, lack of qualified specialists and knowledge on the organization of agribusiness systems. Positive trends: production of products with a high share of value added leads to an increase in the export of ready-to-use products, the potential for high value-added production in the agrarian sector has a prospect of growth. Using the systematic approach, the structure of the economic environment for the formation of the added value of agro-food products has been substantiated.
Originality. The presented scheme of the system of formation of the economic environment of the added value of agro-food products allows to structure the components of its development by the phases of value added in the chain "agricultural production, processing, sale to the end user".
Practical value. The results of the study are aimed at solving the problems of forming the economic environment of the added value of agricultural products through effective coordination at the local and regional levels of management.
Key words: economic environment, agro-industrial products, added value, components of the economic environment of the formation of added value of agricultural products.
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