Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical and methodological approaches to competition research in the sphere of housing construction.
The goal has determined the need to address the following tasks:
1. To investigate the conceptual and categorical apparatus of competition research in the activity of construction organizations in the residential real estate market.
2. Prepare an algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of construction organizations in the housing market.
Methodology of research. The main methods of research are general scientific methods of system, structural and functional analysis, the method of expert assessments, forecasting, as well as methods for analyzing the economic activity of a construction enterprise. The method of paired comparison of factors and the results of enterprise competitiveness assessment is used. As an instrument for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise, the multi-factorial model of the integral indicator was used, the choice of which was due to the object of the study, namely the sphere of housing construction, which belongs to the class of social and economic systems, which is influenced by a significant number of external and internal factors that have a varied influence on the competitiveness of a construction enterprise.
Findings. It is established that an assessment of competitiveness is an important result in the activity of enterprises operating in the housing market on the basis of which management decisions are made and the further strategy of enterprise development is formed. The concept of “competition in housing construction” has been clarified, which takes into account along with the price and quality indicators of products, factors of liquidity and financial stability, quality of management and organizational and technical factors.
Originality. The primary set of indicators that have an impact on the competitiveness of the enterprise is formulated, namely: management indicators, organizational and technical indicators, financial indicators and product competitiveness. An algorithm and a set of indicators for the determination of the integral indicator of the assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises in the housing market is developed, which allows us to analyze the activities of enterprises as per individual indicators and in groups of indicators.
Practical value. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its main provisions can be used:
- enterprises operating in the sphere of housing construction in the evaluation and development of managerial decisions on improving competitiveness;
- state bodies for the study of the market in the conduct of tenders;
- when preparing training courses “Marketing”, “Marketing Research”, “Organization Economics” for students of economic specialties of educational institutions; during seminars-trainings under the program “Competitiveness of goods and services” in organizations.
Key words: competition, competitiveness, housing construction, strategy, methodology, integral indicator
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