Iryna Volodymyrivna Leshchukh



Purpose. The purpose of the article is to summarize theoretical approaches to determining the nature, structure and sources of innovative potential of a region.

Methodology of research. The following methods are used during the study: systemic and dialectical – to study the dominant characteristics of the region's innovation potential; comparison and synthesis – to study approaches to interpreting the term "innovation potential"; graphic – for a visual representation of the results of the study.

Findings. The approaches to the interpretation of the above category are summarized based on the study of scientific literature devoted to the problem of innovation potential, as well as three main approaches to the interpretation of innovative potential: resource (most common), target and approach by which innovative potential is considered as a measure of ability / result oriented).

It is suggested that the innovative potential of a region means first and foremost the opportunities, and second, the resources and organizational capabilities that enable the creation and implementation of innovations to achieve sustainable development of the region and the country as a whole. At the same time, an important aspect of increasing the innovation potential of the region is, among other things, the institutional capacity of the state to stimulate and support the development of innovation processes.

It is proposed to consider financial and investment, material and technical (industrial), research, market, information, intellectual-personnel and marketing potentials as components of the region's innovation potential.

Originality. The paradigm of innovation potential of the region has been developed, which, unlike the existing ones, provides for: 1) systematization of preconditions for formation and factors of influence on development and enhancement of innovation potential; 2) establishment of functions and sources of innovative potential; 3) determination of components of innovative potential with indication of their quantitative measuring instruments and methods of measurement.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research will be the basis for the development of the author's methodology for complex evaluation of innovative potential of Ukrainian regions.

Key words: innovations; innovative development; innovative potential of the region; region; innovative activity; spatial development; regional economy.


Key words: innovations; innovative development; innovative potential of the region; region; innovative activity; spatial development; regional economy.

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