Purpose. The aim of the article is determined on the basis of a systematic approach and generalization of theoretical and scientific-practical approaches of discovering conceptual bases of formation of mechanisms and determination of economic interpretation of the process and stages of innovative development for the transition from low- to high-tech innovation economy.
Methodology of research. Historical, systemic and logical-dialectical approaches have been applied to achieve this goal; the following methods are used: abstract and logical – in setting the goals and objectives of the study; analytical and monographic – when studying literary sources, legislative or other normative legal acts and practices of mechanisms of innovative development; by means of the comparative method the differences in the mechanisms of realization of the state innovation policy of Ukraine and the countries with developed market economy are determined; systematization – at systematization of mechanisms of innovative development of enterprises; statistical and economic – when collecting and processing statistical data; analysis and synthesis – to develop directions for improving the innovative development of enterprises.
Findings. Conceptual bases of formation of mechanisms of innovative development of the enterprises are revealed and theoretical and scientific-practical approaches to economic interpretation of the process of innovative development are determined. The essence of innovation development as a systematic management of innovation activity, aimed at shaping and ensuring achievement of economic growth through rational use, increasing and distribution of innovative and economic and technological potential at different stages, namely: in the process of creation and transfer of innovations, development of mass production and financial mechanisms and commercialization of development, legal protection and use of intellectual property objects and establishment of Ukrainian relations Certain innovators with partners, creating favorable conditions for retaining specialists.
Originality. It is determined that one of the main tasks of innovative development is to increase the level of innovation activity, which to a certain extent depends on the structural elements of the national innovation ecosystem and stages of innovation development. The scientific and methodological approaches of formation of mechanisms of innovative development are improved, on the basis of consideration of functional connections, ensuring rational use of resources, obtaining synergistic effect of contractual relationships and aggregate investments.
Practical value. Formed mechanisms to ensure the activation of innovative development as an orderly set of institutional settings include defining the goals, objectives, increasing the ability to solve problems and attracting investment to ensure the effectiveness of innovation, which allows economic entities to achieve strategic development goals, solve problems of ensuring effective interaction of the state science and business to innovate, and as a systematic process that implements a competitor no benefits, ensuring sustainable growth, improve the quality and standard of living by harmonizing the interests of its members.
Key words: conceptual foundations; innovative development; mechanisms; enterprises; potential; stages; strategy; transfer; activation.
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