Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis of the economic category “price” in the system of market characteristics of fruit and berry products in its theoretical and practical aspect.
Methodology of research. The method of complex approach is used in the process of research of theoretical aspects of economic category “price”. Using the method of systematic analysis made it possible to identify the main groups of factors that influence the pricing of fruit and berry products. The monographic method has made it possible to detect changes in the price level for the products of the industry over the last 6 years in the context of each month. The method of comparisons is used in the process of analysing the impact of price and shaping factors, assessing the level of influence of constituents on the market products of the industry and finding ways to solve them in an effective way.
Findings. It is established that, in theory, the price of production has a close relationship with labour theory and marginal utility theory; in practical terms, this category reflects the market levers of influence both on the market and on business entities. The factors influencing the price of fruit and berry products at micro and macro levels are systematized and grouped into blocks. The cyclicality of changes in the price level for fruits and berries during the year is revealed. The range of problems is outlined and a vector of action is identified with the aim of raising the price level and increasing the efficiency of the horticulture industry as a whole.
Originality. The grouping of factors influencing price formation in the system of market characteristics of fruit and berry products is proposed. This approach makes it possible to assess the impact of each factor individually and to calculate the degree of risk in the directions, while at the same time looking for directions to reduce that impact.
Practical value. The proposed research findings are useful and have practical value for fruit and berry producers. The ability to analyse the factors influencing the pricing and their expert evaluation will allow entrepreneurs to determine the direction of consolidation of actions in the market, will give impetus to the processes of cooperation in matters of storage, sale or processing of products. Analysis of the sale price during the year is a valid substantiation for the introduction of changes in the commodity policy of enterprises, namely the increase in the share of products of early and late varieties, which are always sold at the highest prices.
Key words: demand; supply; price; pricing; fruit and berry market; market players; consumers.
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Vlasova, N.O. (2012), Formuvannija efektyvnoi tsinovoi polityky pidpryiemstv torhivli na prodovolchi tovary [Formation of effective pricing policy of trade enterprises for food products], monograph, KhDUKhT, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 376 p.
Melnyk, L.L. (2012), “Price policy of the state in the context of non-equivalent inter-branch relations in the agroindustrial complex ”, Ahrosvit, no. 2, pp. 13-19.
Symonova, T.A. (2011), “The influence of factors on the pricing of agricultural products”, Ahrosvit, no. 1, pp. 57-60.
Nevlad, V.F. (2010), “State support for price stability at the market of agricultural complex of Ukraine”, Ekonomika: problemy teorii ta praktyky: zbirnyk naukovykh prats, Iss. 265(5), pp. 78-84.
Chychulina, K.V., Rizhko, I.V. and Matiushenko, K.M. (2018), “Features of pricing policy formation at agricultural enterprises”, Efektyvna ekonomika, no. 6, available at: (access date September 28, 2019).
Sabluk, P.T. (2000), “About the strategy of transformation of agroindustrial complex and ensuring of food security of Ukraine: scientific report”, Ekonomika Ukrainy, no. 8, pp. 3-36.
State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2019), Silske hospodarstvo Ukrainy 2018 rik: statystychnyi zbirnyk [Agriculture of Ukraine 2018: statistical compilation], Kyiv, Ukraine, 190 p.
Herasymchuk, K.Yu. (2008), “Methodological aspects of pricing of products for industrial and technical purposes”, Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska politekhnika”. Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnia, no. 611, pp. 118-124.
Pryimachuk, L. and Koval, L. (2009), “Analysis and evaluation of formation of effective functioning of the market of fruits and berries in the Western region of Ukraine”, Visnyk LNAU, available at: (access date September 28, 2019).
Burliai, O.L., Kovalenko, O.S. and Pidopryhora, O.V. (2016), “Competitiveness of horticultural products of Ukraine in the conditions of deepening of European integration processes”, Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Umanskoho natsionalnoho universytetu sadivnytstva, Iss. 89(2), pp. 73-91.
Shumeiko, A. (2003), “Market of fruits and berries of Ukraine”, Ekonomika Ukrainy, no. 10, pp. 55-61.
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