Purpose. The aim of the article is to research the aspects of foreign experience in the management of energy saving processes and energy efficiency of production activities.
Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. General and special methods are used in the course of the research, namely: abstract and logical (to outline the main factors that influence the management of energy-saving processes and energy efficiency of enterprises), deductive (to analyse the directions that contribute to energy-saving production activities) and generalization (when research of possibilities of introduction of innovations which are directed on development, creation of new types of technologies and new organizational forms of production).
Findings. There are a number of barriers to effective energy use, such as financial, managerial, administrative, legal and market barriers. It is proved that energy saving should be a priority direction of the economic policy of the enterprise, while strategic directions of energy efficient policy of Ukraine should be: increase of volumes of own oil and gas production on the basis of new technologies; modernization of transport infrastructure; diversification of energy resources; reducing the share of energy-intensive industries and shaping the outlook for saving energy in society. It is substantiated that much attention should be paid to renewable energy, since this will demonopolize key segments of the energy market and ensure its transparency and predictability, thereby promoting the rational use of energy resources. External factors have been found to have a significant impact on energy conservation, in particular: regulatory framework, stability of the energy market, state incentive measures, material interest of producers in the implementation of energy-saving technologies and saving of energy resources. It is revealed that in the industrialized countries of the world there is an increase in the energy sector in the structure of the national economy, since the constant rise in prices for oil and natural gas leads to energy dependence on exporting countries and this problem is solved by energy conservation and the use of mixed energy supply. It is substantiated that the concept of efficient use of solar energy should take into account the peculiarities of the electricity complex of Ukraine in the context of integration into the EU energy space and accession to its energy packages.
Originality. For the first time, it has been established that energy saving should be a priority direction of Ukraine's economic policy, which, unlike the existing one, allows to define strategic directions of energy efficient policy in Ukraine for increasing its own oil and gas production using modern types of technologies. The modernization of transport infrastructure and the diversification of energy sources have been further developed. The directions of reducing the share of energy-intensive industries and shaping the outlook for saving energy in Ukraine have been improved.
Practical value. The introduction of high-energy and environmentally friendly energy sources into the production processes of enterprises in different sectors of the economy will increase their efficiency.
Key words: energy saving; energy efficiency; energy resources; renewable energy sources; economic instruments; foreign experience.
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