Liudmyla Stepanivna Sas, Petro Yehorovych Matkovskyi



Purpose. The aim of the article is to research budget support areas for logistical support of technological updating of production and modernization of activity of agricultural enterprises.

Methodology of research. The methods of generalization, systematization, analysis, abstraction are used in the process of research to determine the directions of budget support for technological updating of production and modernization of activities of agricultural enterprises in the context of budget programs. The scientific base of scientific research was composed of scientific works of domestic scientists-economists and legislative and regulatory documents on budget support for the agricultural sector of the economy.

Findings. The necessity of state support of technological updating of production and modernization of activity of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. Areas of budget support for material and technical support for technological upgrading of production and modernization of agricultural enterprises are identified and analyzed, in particular within budget programs for: partial reimbursement to the economic entities of the cost of construction and reconstruction of livestock farms and complexes and enterprises for the production of compound feed; budget livestock subsidies and state support for crop production; state support for animal husbandry; providing financial support to agribusiness entities through the mechanism of cheaper loans and offsetting of lease payments; financial support (development) of farms; partial compensation for the cost of sophisticated agricultural machinery of domestic production; partial reimbursement of the cost of construction of new greenhouse complexes; financial support for activities in the agro-industrial complex.

Originality. The role of budgetary programs on technological updating of production and modernization of activity of agricultural enterprises are defined, analyzed and substantiated.

Practical value. The obtained results of the study can be used to organize the process of technological updating of production and modernization of agricultural enterprises.

Key words: technological modernization of production; modernization; agricultural enterprises; state support; budget programs.


Key words: technological modernization of production; modernization; agricultural enterprises; state support; budget programs.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37332/2309-1533.2019.5-6.28


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