Yuliia Bohdanivna Felenchak, Orysia Andriivna Khendrikson



Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to explore the historical background and features of the development of modern museum institutions in the Lviv region in the light of contemporary public inquiries.

Methodology of research. Methods of scientific literature analysis were used to study the historical aspects of the formation of a network of museum institutions, to outline the preconditions for transformational changes in the activity of museum institutions in the Lviv region. Methods of statistical information processing and cartographic methods were applied to analyze the dynamics of indicators of the network of museum institutions in the studied region and to visualize the results of the research, in particular the creation of a map of the territorial location of museum institutions in the region.

Findings. The article considers the historical prerequisites and peculiarities of forming a network of museums in Lviv region. The basic approaches to the definition of the term "museum", which are used in modern science, are analyzed. The reasons for the transformational changes in the activity of museum institutions, related to the expansion of their functions, which are conditioned by the requirements of modern society, are considered. The main indicators of the activity of museum institutions of Lviv region during a certain period are investigated. The profile structure of museums of the region, features of activity of departmental museums are considered. A map was developed that visually reflects the spread of museums within the oblast in the context of administrative regions. The main problems and directions of improvement of work of museum institutions of the region are outlined.

Originality. The research of the national network of museum institutions, taking into account the specifics of contemporary social requirements, was further developed. The decisive role of museum institutions in shaping the national cultural environment was emphasized.

Practical value. The results of the survey can be used in the activities of tourism enterprises of Ukraine and its regions, state authorities and local self-government. Theoretical and methodological generalizations may form the basis for further research in this area.

Key words: museum; museum institution; departmental museum; public museum; profile structure of museums; museum expositions; museum staff.


Key words: museum; museum institution; departmental museum; public museum; profile structure of museums; museum expositions; museum staff.

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